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total exchange中文是什么意思

用"total exchange"造句"total exchange"怎么读"total exchange" in a sentence


  • 总交换量
  • "total"中文翻译    adj. 总计的(金额等);全部的;完全的(失明等),绝 ...
  • "exchange"中文翻译    vt. 1.(以某物与另一物)交换,调换 (for). ...
  • "total exchange albumin" 中文翻译 :    白蛋白交换总量,总交换性白蛋白
  • "total exchange capacity" 中文翻译 :    交换总容量; 总交换量; 总交换能力; 总交换容量
  • "total foreign exchange" 中文翻译 :    外汇收支总额
  • "total ion exchange capacity" 中文翻译 :    总离子交换容量
  • "total plasma exchange" 中文翻译 :    全血浆置换术
  • "a total of" 中文翻译 :    总计……(接数词)
  • "in total" 中文翻译 :    整个地; 总共; 总计
  • "total" 中文翻译 :    adj. 总计的(金额等);全部的;完全的(失明等),绝对的(禁酒等)。 a total history 通史,全史。 a total war 全面战争。 total defence 全面防御。 the sum total 总额。 total output 总产量。 total weight 总重(量)。 total color blindness 全色盲。 total abstinence 绝对禁酒。 a total recall 〔美国〕完整的回忆(能力)。 n. 总数,全体;合计,总计〔常叫 grand total〕。 vt. (〔英国〕 -ll-) 1.总计达,计算…的总数。 2.〔美俚〕完全摧毁;向…清算,向…报复。 The visitors totalled 151. 来访者共计151人。 vi. 合计;计算总数;总数达到[计有] (to, up to)。 His debts had totalled to $5000. 当时他的债务总数达到5000美元。
  • "exchange" 中文翻译 :    vt. 1.(以某物与另一物)交换,调换 (for). 2.互换,交流,交易。 3.兑换。 exchange one's labour for money 以劳动换取报酬。 exchange blows 互殴。 exchange civilities 互相行礼。 vi. 1.兑换 (for). 2.交换;调换(职位、任务) (from; into). exchange from [out of] one ship into another 从甲船换乘乙船。 n. 1.交换,互换。 2.交流,交易。 3.兑换、汇兑;汇划。 4.汇兑行情,兑换率,汇水,贴水。 5.〔pl.〕 (票据)交换总额。 6.交换品,〔特指〕交换书刊。 7.交易所。 8.〔英国〕职业介绍所。 9.电话局,电话交换台。 an exchange of goods 物资交流。 an exchange of prisoners 交换俘虏。 exchange of views 交换意见。 foreign exchange 外汇。 domestic [internal]exchange 内汇。 a post exchange〔美国〕陆军消费合作社 (PX)。 a bill of exchange 汇票。 the rate [course] of exchange (=exchange rate) 外汇率[行情、比价]。 a set of exchange 联单汇票[双联或三联]。 the first [second, third] of exchange 第一[第二、第三]联汇票。 the cotton exchange 棉花交易所。 a labour 〔英国〕职业[劳工]介绍所。 short exchange 短期汇票。 a stock exchange 证券交易所。 a [central] telephone exchange 中央电话局。 E- is no robbery. 〔戏谑语〕交换不是掠夺〔为不公平交换辩解的话〕。 in exchange for 换,调。 make an exchange 交换。 value in [of] exchange 交换价值(=exchange value)。
  • "exchange a for" 中文翻译 :    把a换成
  • "exchange for" 中文翻译 :    交换,调换,兑换; 交换,调换,兑换
  • "exchange on" 中文翻译 :    交换开启
  • "exchange the" 中文翻译 :    得半子
  • "exchange with" 中文翻译 :    交换
  • "exchange…for" 中文翻译 :    以…交换
  • "in exchange for" 中文翻译 :    调换; 交换,互换; 来替换; 用…交换…; 与……交换
  • "in exchange with" 中文翻译 :    交换
  • "to exchange" 中文翻译 :    相互交流
  • "with exchange" 中文翻译 :    即付交换费
  • "exchange-to-exchange" 中文翻译 :    资料交换
  • "barca total total" 中文翻译 :    足球
  • "sum total =total amount" 中文翻译 :    总计
  • "total debt to total assets" 中文翻译 :    负债总额对资产总额的比率


  • The china ' s securities market has got great achievement both on its development speed and scale since the founding of shanghai stock exchange on december 19th 1990 . it could be one of the most prominent economic fields during the course of china ’ s system transition . there are altogether 1 , 381 companies listed in shanghai stock exchange and shenzhen stock exchange up to the end september 2005 . the total market value is more than 3 , 700 billion rmb yuan and the total exchange quantity is almost 4 , 000 billion rmb yuan . securities market has greatly influenced our economic life and social life . whether it could develop steadily and healthily has closely connected with the realization of the objects of china ' s development strategy in the new century . though we are satisfied with the achievement that china ' s securities market has got . on the background of economic globalization , market integration and assets securitization , facing the severe challenge after china entering wto , in order to deepen the economy system reform and promote economy development further , we must realize the urgency of its institution innovation , function grading , structure improvement , risk controlling and solving the problems left over by history . the author tries to innovate on choosing theoretical tools
    主要分析了中国证券市场发展至今的演进过程,归纳了各个阶段的制度特征,深入研究中国证券市场发行、交易、监管等重要制度的变迁过程、原因和绩效并探讨其演进方向和合理模式,在此基础上,对中国证券市场制度变迁的特征进行总结性评价;三是对中国证券市场制度变迁的行为主体?政府、上市公司、投资者(机构投资者和一般投资者) 、中介机构的行为进行深入分析,并探讨了规范各行为主体的合理方法;四是对股权分置改革这一中国证券市场最大的制度变迁,进行全方位的分析并对中国证券市场制度变迁的整体影响提出见解;五是在对核心的制度变迁及各行为主体分析的基础上,明确了中国证券市场制度变迁创新的基本思路,主要是以强制性制度变迁打破路径依赖,并为诱致性制度变迁创造适合的制度环境,以诱致性制度变迁促进证券市场的发展,最后明确地提出了中国证券市场制度变迁创新的具体制度安排。
  • The system has the following concrete effects . it makes a substantial contribution to reducing overall costs at metal processing work sites by reducing the costs of cutting liquids , cleaning liquids , periodic cleaning and year - end cleaning , as well as by reducing the need for total exchanges of cutting liquid in summer and waste cutting liquid processing expenses , etc
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